April 4, 2014

April Showers

Snow showers, that is.  BUT, on the bright side, it's actually warm enough for the boys to get out there and enjoy it.  And enjoy it, they did.  (Please excuse the orange date stamp on the photographs.  I have no idea how I turned that feature both on and off during shooting pictures outdoors this evening.)

This is just a random photo of Channing taking a picture of me taking a picture of him.  He thought it was a hilarious thing to do.  I still chuckle when I think about it.

Maxwell rarely bathes alone.  When you've got two young boys, usually it's a two-fer.  Tonight, though, while WM & Channing tossed ball around the basement, Maxwell tubbed and scrubbed solo.  It's hard to say who enjoyed the time more, Maxwell or me.  He's changing so quickly these days, and I was glad for the opportunity to freeze a few everyday moments for eternity.  

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